Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fruits and Vegetables: A Cure For Cancer.

Fruits and Vegetables contain phytochemicals that fight cancer.
     If you're not eating enough fruits and veggies, you might want to reconsider. According to Cancer Causes & Control, vegetables are a great defense against cancer. One study published in the medical journal stated, "Vegetables and fruit contain the anticarcinogenic cocktail to which we are adapted. We abandon it at our peril." In other words, fruits and vegetables have something very important that is able to fight cancer; a low intake of fruits and vegetables will result in cancer.

      What is this unique source in fruits and vegetables that can fight cancer? It's a host of chemicals known as phytochemicals. These are compounds found in plants and vegetables. The World Book Encyclopedia says, " . . . certain foods contain substances, called phytochemicals that may help prevent cancers . . . such foods include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage . . ." The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods asserts that phytochemicals have a "greater protection against cancer" than simpler nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins C and E. Pigments such as carotene, chlorophyll, and flavonoids, are significant groups of phytochemicals.

Chlorophyll-rich foods
     Foods rich in carotene are carrots, spinach, tomatoes, cantaloupe, apricots and citrus fruits. In fact, I watched a video on YouTube of a man that cured himself of cancer from eating large quantities of apricots. Flavonoid-rich foods include berries, cherries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and peppers. Foods that have a great source of chlorophyll (green leaf) would be your green veggies such as lettuce, spinach, and collard greens. Incorporating these foods into your diet will fight against cancer. Ironically, many crops are exposed to pesticides, which are carcinogenic. The ideal solution is to eat organic crops that are pesticide-free, reducing your risk of getting cancer.

     In addition, it is also imperative to estrange yourself from foods that are high in fats; they are carcinogenic and can cause cancer in the breast, colon, and prostate gland. The idea is to develop a healthy lifestyle and "avoiding contact with known carcinogens". For instance, people that get radiation therapy and chemotherapy are exposing themselves to cancer. World Book states, " . . . radiation therapy and chemotherapy can actually cause secondary cancers, including leukemia . . ."

     Natural healing is vital and combating cancer with fruits and vegetables has proven to be successful and inexpensive.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

MonaVie: The Future of Natural Healing

MonaVie's Health Juices are rich in antioxidants.
Some of us never heard of MonaVie. I was introduced to it by Cherry Smyth while she was in Atlanta, Georgia for a convention held by her company, MonaVie.

What is MonaVie? Monavie is a company that began in 2005 that focuses on creating products that promote health and wellness. MonaVie's products are essential to the four elements that secure great health -- nutrition, weight, energy, and stress. 

What are their products? MonaVie manufactures energy drinks, dietary supplements, protein bars, and health juices. The company uses vital ingredients such as vitamins, phytonutrients, glucosamine, and it's product-seller, antioxidants.

It was antioxidants that kept me interested in learning about MonaVie. For those of you not-in-the-know, antioxidants are highly beneficial. For instance, they are a great source of vitamins A, C, and E. In 2012, Carcinogenesis published a study showing how vitamin C promotes an important antioxidant enzyme that helps prevent breast cancer. Within the same year, the Age journal published a study illustrating how vitamins C and E facilitate maintaining your youth and can prevent memory-loss.

Antioxidants are very beneficial to our health.
The best thing about antioxidants is that they are natural. They can be found in fruits and vegetables. What makes MonaVie great is that it uses at least 19 antioxidants in its products. This is important because combining antioxidant-rich foods is very effective. According to a study published in Journal of Medicinal Food, mixing strawberries, blueberries, and spinach, has a greater impact on the nervous system than eating either antioxidant-rich ingredient alone. According to the study, those antioxidant-rich ingredients hinder an enzyme that may be involved in neurological disorders such as autism, depression, and schizophrenia.

Antioxidants are the real-deal and MonaVie is going to be the future of natural healing because they understand the metaphysics of antioxidants and how to properly use them. Cherry invited me to the convention and I heard countless testimonies of how MonaVie's products healed family members and friends. It didn't feel like church; I knew these people were being honest because I know the healing power of antioxidants. Cherry was passionate about it, too; that convinced me that she believes in MonaVie, which is interesting since she studied nursing in New York.

MovaVie convention; Atlanta, Georgia.
I'm blessed that Cherry introduced me to MonaVie. I'm interested in purchasing their energy drinks, protein bars, and becoming a distributor of their products, too.

Cherry Smyth, MonaVie distributor.
To purchase a product, or learn additional information about MonaVie, contact Cherry by clicking this link.