Fruits and Vegetables contain phytochemicals that fight cancer. |
What is this unique source in fruits and vegetables that can fight cancer? It's a host of chemicals known as phytochemicals. These are compounds found in plants and vegetables. The World Book Encyclopedia says, " . . . certain foods contain substances, called phytochemicals that may help prevent cancers . . . such foods include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage . . ." The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods asserts that phytochemicals have a "greater protection against cancer" than simpler nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins C and E. Pigments such as carotene, chlorophyll, and flavonoids, are significant groups of phytochemicals.
Chlorophyll-rich foods |
In addition, it is also imperative to estrange yourself from foods that are high in fats; they are carcinogenic and can cause cancer in the breast, colon, and prostate gland. The idea is to develop a healthy lifestyle and "avoiding contact with known carcinogens". For instance, people that get radiation therapy and chemotherapy are exposing themselves to cancer. World Book states, " . . . radiation therapy and chemotherapy can actually cause secondary cancers, including leukemia . . ."
Natural healing is vital and combating cancer with fruits and vegetables has proven to be successful and inexpensive.