Monday, June 22, 2015

How To Manage Stress in Summer's Heat

It's not officially summer yet, but summer's heat is definitely in full swing. And with summer's muggy and overbearing weather, there's much frustration and stress. In any event, don't let summer's heat get you out of character or bothered. Here's a few tips on how to handle summer's stress.

The first thing to know and understand is that summer isn't  stressful. Yes, it's humid. Yes, you're sweating. Yes, the person next to you stinks. Yes, you don't want to be bothered. Nevertheless, none of these situations actually  translate as stress. Meaning these are not situations you should be stressed over.

What is stress?

According to the "Book of Alternative Medicine & Home Remedies", " . . . stress is not the event itself, but rather your psychological or physical reaction to the event". Essentially, this means that stress is how we perceive  and respond  to a situation, not the situation itself. It's our thoughts of summer and how respond to it that makes us stressed out, not summer.

In having saying that, exactly  how do you handle summer's heat without being stressed out?

The first thing is acknowledging that it's summer; it's going to be hot and  muggy. You can't physically or psychologically control summer's temperature, you can only adapt  to it. Here are a few tips on controlling your  situation without being stressed out:

  • light and loose clothes -- lighter fabrics and loose clothes brings a sense of comfort.
  • consume lots of water -- to avoid dehydration, drink tons of water.
  • stay out of the heat -- try walking in the shade or cool down in a library.
  • personal fan -- handheld fans can be used at all times.