Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ayurvedic Medicine: India's Holistic Method

Ayurveda's Doshas
Different cultures have unique methods to natural healing. For instance, India's traditional medicine is Ayurveda (knowledge of life). Ayurvedic medicine is a holistic approach to health and life. According to Alternative Medicine: The Christian Handbook, its healing methods focuses on incorporating medical, philosophical, and religious beliefs. The Alternative Medicine Handbook states that Ayurveda is an "ancient healing system" that can be tracked back to the Vedas.

The Vedas
Traditionally, Ayurvedic medicine teaches that life held in tact by a nonphysical life energy (prana). Prana signifies a healthy life that is balanced physically, mentally, spiritually, and environmentally. When prana is not balanced, people become sick, age, and ultimately, die. 

According to The Alternative Medicine, this energy balance isn't limited just an internal factor, but external, too. There must be an energy balance between people and their environments to achieve unity with the Universe.

What products and practices does Ayurvedic medicine incorporate? According to Alternative Medicine, Rasayanas, or herbal supplements, gemstones, panchakarmas (purification procedures), and yagyas (religious ceremonies to solicit the aid of Hindu deities). Other therapeutic procedures are breathing exercises, meditation, massage, diets. 

It is important to estrange yourself from negativity. Ama is an accumulation of negative energy, which is unhealthy for you. Negative energy isn't only people, but negative thoughts, unhealthy food, and habits.

Interestingly, Ayurveda teaches that there are three doshas. There is a specific dosha found in specific body organs and they have a relationship with at least two environmental elements. The three doshas are kapha, pitta, and vata. The five elements are earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Why ether? According to The Alternative Medicine Handbook,  ether is believed to be connected to hearing and opening spaces in the mind.

Ayurveda's relationship between the Elements and Doshas
Ayurvedic practitioners believe that the doshas act as a bridge among organs and internals parts of the body. In addition, they also connect the body with the cosmos.

Ayurveda is similar to Chi, China's traditional medicine.

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